Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wanting Financial Independence


The nature of wealth covers a wide range of topics, perspectives and insights. Most of us think of wealth first in terms of money, mansions, yachts, furs, jewels, and many assorted physical goods, and then perhaps freedom. This blog will tackle all of these areas and nuances.

My interest in wealth is more related to freedom than to copious goods and services and I am not that personally materialistic, (or so it seems to me). Yet I want and even crave a certain level of physical comfort and security. I like to know that I have health insurance and could get top medical care if I needed it. I like living in a home that I own and am not likely to be thrown out of, because the landlord decides to sell the building, or won’t allow me to keep a dog, or adds 50% to the rent and this forces a move since my income doesn’t keep pace. Yes I must admit I like a level of physical comfort and security. But I don’t crave a yacht, a Rolls Royce, and three luxury homes in exotic places like Paris, the French Riviera, or Rio de janeiro. (Not that I couldn’t be seduced by wealth like this- but I don’t crave it.) This kind of wealth is not my goal.

I am not absolutely opposed to this kind of wealth, but I do think there are problems with too much wealth. One example is planet sustainability issues. We live in limited physical environment as the last few decades have made clear to anyone reading the news. The world as a planet and the resources we as humans need to survive are finite. There is not infinite fresh water, infinite clean air, infinite fish sources in the Ocean, infinite land to build on, infinite capacity for sea and land to absorb our human industrial wastes, or infinite trees, forests, petroleum, etc. This is just too clear isn’t it?

Yet world wide- a vast majority of humans currently operate out of an economic system called Capitalism. Capitalism seems to be dependent on growth- unlimited growth. At least this is the working model we are functioning within in the United States and the western economies, (and apparently now China and India and so many more places), that have adapted to this version of Capitalism. (I don’t know if any other kind of Capitalism is possible- or if by definition- an altered kind of Capitalism would be another system. More about this in the future.)

So getting back to the core of my blog. My commitment is to share with you an understanding of what it might look like to become financially independent. -to be financially free- within the context of this Capitalistic system that we all live within.

My goal is create for myself Financial Freedom. Do you consider yourself financially free? To me financial freedom is a particular kind of wealth. One that I desire, but there are other elements to wealth as well. Critical elements in understanding wealth. Off we go to explore the Nature of Wealth

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Sample Entry

This is the Nature of Wealth. Part One.